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Treating Your Fellow Employees Fairly

“Live so that when your children think of fairness and integrity, they think of you.”


    Diversity, Equity & Inclusion

    Diversity, equity & inclusion are embedded in our core value of Teamwork. Our workforce comprises skilled professionals and craft personnel from around the world who are dedicated to achieving excellence for all of our stakeholders. Fluor’s goal is to sustain its diverse workforce by leveraging each individual’s knowledge and talents while promoting cross-cultural understanding and collaboration.

    To this end, you are expected to demonstrate dignity and respect for all Fluor employees by valuing the diverse backgrounds, experiences and ideas present among your colleagues and in the locations where our company operates. You must also promote an inclusive work environment by practicing appropriate and fair behaviors towards all Fluor employees, clients and individuals in our communities.

    Common Questions

      Fluor will not tolerate discrimination or harassment of any kind in our workplace. This global standard won’t be compromised. All employees must be treated fairly and with respect regardless of location.

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        Fair Employment Practices

        Fluor has established global standards so that our employees are treated with respect and fairness and free from all forms of discrimination regardless of location. All employment decisions—such as hiring, promotion, pay, termination, training opportunities and job assignments—must be based on merit, not a person’s legally protected characteristics. Such characteristics may include gender, race, color, religion, national origin, marital status, age, disability, pregnancy, veteran status, sexual orientation or any other characteristics protected by law.

        Common Questions

          You should contact your supervisor or your local Human Resources manager so that the company can conduct a proper investigation to determine if age discrimination has occurred in practice, not just in conversation. Fluor makes promotion decisions based on a person’s skills, knowledge and ability. The company will not permit retaliation for reporting problems in good faith.

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            Harassment-Free Workplace

            Our employees should work in a safe and professional atmosphere, where merit and competence are rewarded, and diversity and trust are promoted. Harassment has no place at Fluor and will not be tolerated. Harassment can take many forms, including verbal remarks, physical advances or visual displays. It may come from coworkers, supervisors, suppliers, contractors or clients. The legal definition of harassment may vary by location, but the behavior always has the purpose or effect of creating an intimidating, offensive or demeaning environment.

            Harassment may be sexual or nonsexual in nature. Sexual harassment may include unwanted advances, inappropriate sexual jokes, sexually suggestive comments, touching, requests for sexual favors and inappropriate comments about appearance. Other examples of harassment may include offensive comments, jokes or pictures related to race, religion, ethnicity, gender or age.

            Common Questions

              You should discuss the matter with your supervisor and/or your local Human Resources manager and tactfully tell the client that you are not comfortable with his apparent advances and that you wish to keep the relationship purely professional.

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              While the company does not attempt to regulate employees’ private behavior, the situation you describe takes place on company property, on company time and on a company email system. Company assets should not be used for this purpose. This unprofessional behavior does not fit in our workplace, even in the privacy of your office.

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                Employee Personal Information

                For payroll, health care benefits and other employee administrative services and for routine operations, Fluor maintains and uses private and sensitive personal information about employees (such as personal contact information, identification numbers, resumes and compensation data) for legitimate business purposes. If you handle or have responsibility of any such private information, you must follow all applicable data privacy laws and Fluor’s policies and practices, including Fluor’s Binding Corporate Rules posted on, regarding the handling of such information.

                These policies and practices describe how personal information can be collected, stored, transferred, disclosed and/or deleted and when additional security measures and consents may need to be obtained. Generally, these policies and practices require that you only access and share confidential employee information for legitimate business purposes, with appropriate authorization and on a need-to-know basis and that you do not repeat or discuss confidential employee information with anyone who does not have an authorized business need to know it.

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                Our Compliance and Ethics team here at Fluor are here for you. Please reach out if you are unsure or have any questions about our Code of Conduct or your responsibilities as a team member.

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